Thought Joggers to Tell Your Story
A guide to organise your thoughts in telling your stories
[Example of response in bracket]
What is your story about?
[My shameful act. How I was selfish and greedy]
Why do you want to tell this story?
[Don't want other people in the same situation as me to be like me]
Now let's start from the very beginning
When did it happen? [Just a few days ago. Yes it was Vesak holiday. So May 7]
Where did it happen? [Outside a Chinese medicine shop in OUG]
What and how did it happen? [There was shelves of bread and buns and other food stuff. A sign there stated: "Percuma. Ambil yang perlu". I took and kept on taking. My hands were full]
Why did it happen? [To me it was God-sent. I lost my income. I have been worried about the next meal for my family. Seeing it was free, I just grabbed what I could take]
What was it that made the happening interesting?
[An elderly man was looking at what I was doing. He simply asked me "cukup ah?'. And he asked whether I needed a bag for the food. I just shook my head. The next thing, he took out his wallet and then pressed a few RM10 notes in my hands]
What was the one or two things that made it memorable or something to cherish?
[The non-judgement of the elderly man. His act of kindness]
What was the ont thing that you learnt and would like to remember?
[Generosity of a stranger. More than that, the dignity he gave to me. He did not scold me for taking advantage of the free food. He did not judge me. With only a few words, he taught me about kindness and non-greed. Take only what one needs and have the generosity to leave for others. That is sharing and caring. Good brings back good]
Would you be able to put down some of the things said like in conversation? Putting it in conversation style will help make your story alive.
[What the old man said: Ada orang hati baik dan budi baik. Ambil yang kita perlu. Nanti, semua dapat semua untung. Ini-lah yang kita semua perlu buat.
[But what he didn't say but said from his heart still speaks to me in my head, in my heart. He seemed to understand my situation. The moment of greed. Then the non-verbal lesson he gave me. No harsh words. Just caring action. That spoke louder than words!]
Information needed from you to complete the story:
Name (Real):
Name (any other name if you want to protect your identity):
Any other background details you like to share (for example, personal and family background etc)
Contact No (telephone for us to contact you if any further details are needed):